Desenha a tua ...

Descobri este Teste Psicologico na Gotinha e na Amorizade ...
Resolvi Fazê-lo e foi este o resultado ...
Based on the drawing and the 10 answers
they gave this is a summary of their personality:
Your house tells the world that you ought to be a leader.
You are good at making friends and when the joyful moment arrives,
you make the most out of it. You love your house and family.
You are a gifted artist as well.
Once you have a problem, you need a friend with you.
Your life is always full of changes. You are very tidy person.
There's nothing wrong with that because you're pretty popular among friends.
Your life is always full of changes.
You will avoid being alone and seek the company of others whenever possible.
You love excitement and create it wherever you go.
You see the world as it is, not as you believe it should be.
You added a flower into your drawing.
The flower signifies that you long for love.
It also safe to say that others don't see you as a flirt.
You don't think much about yourself.
Descobre mais alguma coisa sobre ti ...
Basta clicar na Imagem ou Aqui ...
Jasus! As minhas casas parecem barracas duma favela!!! N, arquitectura e design n é cmg!!! :)
Abraço grande da Zona Franca e beijinho para a Matilde!
Não sei se é do computador, mas não tenho muito geito para isto! Parece arte abstracta! Bjocas.
Ai meu deus, era preciso que houvesse deste lado jeito para isso!!!
Desejos de ano fantástico para ^ti e para a família!
Tambem ja fiz a minha e estou tao liiiinda na minha casinha....eheheh
ora espreita lá....
Epa.. ja vi isto em tanto blog..
Tb tenho de fazer uma..
depois publico.. eheheh
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